Saturday, December 29, 2012

Precious Little Angel's & Cuddly Angel Cutout Card

Hello again my Dear friends!
Today I would like to share with you this adorable little angel card made from Precious Little Angel files.♠ Melissa kindly gave out her Angel cutting files to anyone that wanted to send a card to Sandy Hook Elementary school. This card and many more will be heading that way real soon. I will have a few ladies after the New Year help me put the finishing touches on them.
To view Melissa's beautiful cut files and the Precious Little Angel, click below.

 Mary's Angel and Cuddly Friends
Adorable Collection!
Leo & Mary's cutting files from
"Christmas Cuddly Friends kit"
Click below to get them all.

 These were made from Mary's collection that will be heading to Sandy Hook Elementary School also.

I made this file into a cutout card. I think they turned out so cute. Love Mary's cutting files!

It's been a Joy making these Angel cards and I can't wait to have the ladies join in.

My deepest sympathies goes out to all the family's, Children and people that were involved in that horrendous tragedy and pray that these little Angels will somehow comfort them.

My Fiskars Fuse arrived!
Remember I mentioned that I WON this amazing machine on FaveCraft site here. 
Yep, that's my name (Misty) on Day Ten!

I was soooo excited to win this machine that when I received their congratulations email, I jumped for Joy and called my niece, Lisa right away to tell her of the good news. We had been talking about this machine months before and when it appeared on HSN, I called and left a message on Lisa's friends phone. I said this is a wonderful machine and you need to get the whole bundle. Well, her friend Jan, did just that and gave it to Lisa. Lisa knew how much I wanted this machine and found the FaveCraft site Sweepstakes. The last day of the contest, she called me I think 10 times for me to enter the contest. She finally reached me at night. I remember saying, that I wasn't really comfortable sharing so much infor on any site, but reluctantly I filled out the form while she was still on the phone. She really insisted!! I sooo glad she did!
Well, the next morning I received an email congratulating me. I was still a little skeptical, so I emailed them from their site also and they confirmed that Yes, I had won and it would be in the mail soon. I kept checking my porch each day and after a few days, to my surprise it arrived. 
That box is Heavy, were the first words out of my mouth, then Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
I opened it up with excitement and pulled out the Fuse machine. I kept saying WoW, WoW! This is what I had talked about and wished I had and now my dream came true. What a wonderful Present and just in time for Christmas. I am so grateful and thankful to Lisa for insisting that I fill out that form and to FaveCraft for picking little ole me!

I haven't had too much time to really use it yet, but I will be sharing with you all soon. Here are a few samples Lisa sent me that she made on her Fiskars Fuse machine.

I will use this one alot!!!!!

Yes, time for the New Year soon!
 Soooo cute! I love the deep embossing and the inking. This machine does cutting, inking and embossing all in one turn of the handle. I can't wait to try it out!

I love this one!
 All my creations are made with LOVE!

That's it for this year my friends! I have enjoyed creating and sharing with each and everyone of you. I wish you all good Health, Happiness and Success into the New Year. 
Keep watching as the New Year rolls in on January 1 2013!
I have lots of adorable creations to share with you.

Have a Happy New Year!
Free wallpaper

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Thank you for stopping by to view my creations. Have a blessed day!