Sunday, December 2, 2012

Robbie The 3D Christmas Penguin

Hello my crafty friends!
It's that time again for me to share my creation "Robbie The Penguin" with you!
He was inspired by a wonderful and creative crafter named Debra Vineyard, that I had
the pleasure of meeting over on Mary & Leo Facebook page. She made such an 
amazing little Penguin that you just want to hug him.

Take a peek at her Adorable Penguin and my inspiration on her blog

Mary & Leo's Christmas Challenge
Click below to view All the Fabulous Entries!
You will see Robbie in the line up.

Here's one of the first pictures that I took of Robbie.
 Here he is without his feet :)
Doesn't he look just grand sitting among the tree branches?
Hey, he's got FEET!
Added Snowflakes to his hat!
And, so began my journey!
I had been thinking of entering Mary & Leo's Christmas Challenge awhile back but 
was so busy with classes and orders that I didn't have the time. 
So when Saturday came, and I remembered Debra's Cute Penguin, I thought, I would create him using all the requird kits for the Challenge.

Boy, was he a Challenge!!
It would have been easier to use Debra's recipe! LOL
Thanks Debra for the Inspiration!

I changed his neck ribbon to plain red and left off the joy tag because I didn't ink it right. I also added the red striped ribbon to the rim of his hat and plain red to the top. I put dotted ribbon around his neck instead of the gingham. He had many before the finished picture was taken for the Challenge.

I started creating Robbie on Saturday morning after I dl the Cuddly Friends kit from Mary's svgcuts site and had all my files in order.
It took me All Day to figure out how to get him just right. And, I almost  didn't finish him because I was having trouble getting his front body to cooperate and line up properly. I remember Mary saying, just tell the paper where you want it to go....but it didn't want to

Sooo...with much work, the pieces finally came together. Except, I put glue over the whole accent panels on each side of his head and it didn't look round.  I added another accent piece and this time only glued the top and bottom.

I'm so happy with the way Robbie the Penguin turned out!

Oh, the story on why I picked the name Robbie!

Debra was telling Grace, over on Mary & Leos facebook page that her Eclips machine was talking to her. 

Here's Debra's quote!
  "Grace, you will find the Eclips talking to you! Yesterday mine was saying "Hey Rob, hey Rob, hey Rob" over and over while cutting and I don't know anyone named Rob! And sometimes it sounds like a donkey braying! I like it!!!!"

Well, my machine started saying "Hey Robbie, hey Robbie, hey Robbie"over and over while
I was cutting the Penguin out.
 I don't know anyone named Robbie, but he must be related to Debra's Rob! ROFL

Hey Robbie!

Now Robbie is entered into Mary and Leos Christmas Challenge!
Thank Debra for the inspiration and being a great friend.

After I recoupe from hearing Robbie for the last two days, I will post the scut file and instructions for anyone that would like to hear his

Say goodnight!
Thanks for stopping by and have a Great week!

Keep checking back, as I will be creating more fun projects for you to enjoy.


Oh check these FREE Christmas Fonts at The Graphics Fairy! 
I tested the Lavendera and it cuts beautiful if you weld them in eCal.
You will need to put 0 in donations to get it Free.


  1. Misty, I love your penguin! You inspire me every time I see one of your creations and I am so thrilled I inspired you with my penquin! And it was so nice to meet "Robby"! Ha, you are so funny! See, I told you, those crazy, wonderful machines do talk! So glad I'm not hearing things on my own, or maybe we are just both crazy! That's okay, dear friend, we'll just be a little looney together! Loved all the pics you took, too! Wish we lived close to each other, we'd have a blast and probably stir up some trouble and have fun! Hugs, Debra

  2. Good golly holly that penguin is darling. I'm resisting doing 3 d projects due to space issues, but I love your projects. So cute and charming.


Thank you for stopping by to view my creations. Have a blessed day!