Wednesday, January 1, 2025

 Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday!

Hello, all my crafty friends!

Yes, it's that time of year again and almost over. Whew, the year 
sure flew by for me while I was busy crafting. lol I hope this finds
you in good health and happiness. 
This year the lanterns have been a hit in just about all the group and
especially for me. This lovely Red Robin lantern with pretty Christmas
candles and leaves is one of my favorites. They are pretty easy to assemble 
once you've made one and it cuts like butter on my Cricut Maker. They
are beautiful with an LED changing light at night and they make great gifts.

It's on SALE too!!
You can get the file below

This is one of the cute Gnome lanterns that I made. So fun and easy to
make and great for giving that special someone.

Another cutie that I couldn't resist! lol

I made this Gnome Shadow Box that lights up. Fun to
make and pretty at night.

This is so adorable and really not that hard to assemble. It's 
so pretty with the LED lights at night. Great file and cuts
 perfectly on my Cricut Maker.

I absolutely Love these Poinsettia Vase lanterns. 

Another gorgeous Poinsettia Vase from the set. You can
get the files below.

On Sale now!

I've had so much fun making all the Christmas lantern and sharing them with
you. Hope you enjoyed them!

That's it for another YEAR! Happy New Year everyone!

See you next year with lots of New creations!
Happy Crafting my friends!

Hugs, Misty

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Thank you for stopping by to view my creations. Have a blessed day!